The proposed Middlebrook Solar Farm (MSF) is a solar farm and energy storage project located near Middlebrook Rd, Loomberah in the New England region of northern NSW. The project area is approximately 22 km south of Tamworth and is currently under development by TotalEnergies.
The solar farm portion of the project is comprised of multiple land parcels adjacent to Middlebrook Road with a potential capacity of up to 320 MWac.
Middlebrook Energy Storage System will be a large AC-coupled battery with up to 300 MW / 780 MWh capacity.
March 2023 update:
- The proposed Middlebrook Solar Farm is currently undertaking public consultation and is expected to be completed by June 2023;
- TotalEnergies is committed to being open and transparent and will ensure that community members have sufficient opportunities to provide feedback throughout the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) phase.
- Your ongoing feedback is very important to us, and we encourage you to complete the community feedback survey here.
April 2023 update:
- Members from the TotalEnergies and NGH teams will be facilitating a Community Information Drop-In Session on Thursday the 27th of April between 11am and 7pm at the Tamworth West Diggers Club, and our team welcomes the opportunity to discuss the proposal with you.
May 2023 update:
Thank you to those who attended our community information session on Thursday, the 27th of April at the Tamworth West Diggers Club. We were fortunate enough to discuss the project with a large number of attendees who provided beneficial insight to the project team.
It was a great event and we look forward to further discussions with the local community.
Next steps
The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is currently underway for the Middlebrook Solar Farm. The EIS is on track to be completed and delivered to the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) by June.
Once submitted, DPE will publish the EIS via exhibition for a minimum of 28 days for community and agency comment. Once the exhibition period is complete, there will be the opportunity for TotalEnergies to respond to comments received during the exhibition period prior to the proposal being evaluated by DPE. It is expected the Middlebrook Solar Farm will go on exhibition in July.
Your ongoing input is important to us. Should you have any questions about the project, please send an email to
July 2023 update:The Middlebrook Solar Farm Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was submitted late last month and is now on the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) web portal from Friday, July 7, until Thursday, August 3. NEXT STEPSThe Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been completed and is now available on the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE). The public exhibition period will last a minimum of 28 days. Your submission can be made directly to the DPE via their website during this time. Your submission may show support, object to, comment on or seek clarification around any matter of interest to you. All issues raised during the exhibition period must be addressed in a Submissions Report, which will also be exhibited. After the exhibition period ends, DPE will assess the EIS and the Submissions Report responses before making a recommendation (including either condition of consent or reasons for refusal) to the Minister or their delegate for determination. Your ongoing input is important to us. Should you have any questions about the project, please email us at March 2024 update: Following the conclusion of the public exhibition of the EIS, our team has been working hard to review and address the issues raised in submissions and have prepared a report documenting our responses to these issues (Submissions Report). You will be able to read the Submissions Report as soon as it is published on the NSW Government’s major projects website at Here, you can also access the amendment report which outlines the changes to the Project since the EIS (the Amendment Report), as well as the additional assessments undertaken since the public exhibition of the EIS. Briefly, as a result of our review of the submissions and further considering the technical requirements for the Project, we are proposing the following changes to the Project, as reflected in our Amendment Report:
In addition, subject to further consultation with key stakeholders and detailed design phase requirements, we are considering a further amendment to relocate or terminate one or more 11kV distribution lines within the development footprint. We have updated the development footprint to reflect the above changes where required. The changes to battery and access arrangements will improve the Project’s overall performance. The purpose of certain of these other changes is also to further reduce potential and residual impacts on biodiversity and increase fire management initiatives. All other Project infrastructure elements remain as presented in the EIS. EPBC update (24 Jan 2025): The Middlebrook Solar Farm project has been referred under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). Details about this proposed action are available for public consultation on the Department’s website for 10 business days. An electronic version of the referral is available for viewing on the Department’s website.
Feasibility and Land Security
Environmental Studies
Planning Application & Approval
Grid Connection & Procurement
PPAs & Financing